
- Quantum Potes Tantum Aude
- As much as you are able that you should dare to do
- 汝為君子儒,無為小人儒 (論語.雍也)



Justin提到明報在報導嘉禾大廈大火兩個消防員殉職時引了Ladder 49的對白,那句話出自主角之一的Captain Mike Kennedy (John Travolta飾)在另一主角Jack Morrison (Joaquin Phoenix飾)的喪禮上的悼辭。

It's never an easy thing, saying goodbye to a brother firefighter, it's not. And this time, particularly is difficult for me because I watched Jack grow into a, well, into one of the finest firefighters I've ever known. He joined this department because he wanted to help people, who knows how many homes are still standing because Jack was there or how many lives were spared. He gave his life for that cause. We'll never forget you Jack. And we're better for having known you. But I make you this one promise, tomorrow when that bell rings, we will be back on the truck, because you were the bravest of the brave. People are always asking me, how is it that firefighters run into a burning building when everyone else is running out? Well, Jack, you answered that question by saving another man's life. Your courage is the answer. And today we will be as brave as you, by not mourning you, but by celebrating your life. So I'd like everyone to stand up and celebrate the life of Jack Morrison.


Requiescat in pace.

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